Rebeka Feyes

Rebeka Feyes

In­tern­ship Corporate Raw Material & Animal Feed

Why did you choose AGRANA for your in­tern­ship?

Although an internship is not obligatory as part of my Bachelor Studies in nutritional science, I wanted to gain professional experience. I already knew AGRANA and after some research online, I decided to apply. Moreover, a professor of my studies recommended AGRANA to me. I also visited the AGRANA booth at the Career Calling Fair, which convinced me even more to do an internship at this company.  

How did you apply for the in­tern­ship? How was the ap­plic­a­tion process set up?

I applied online on AGRANA’s website and uploaded my documents there. After a few months, I received a message that I am accepted for an internship in July.

Shortly describe a typical working day within your in­tern­ship at AGRANA. What were your main tasks? 

At the beginning of the week, I got different tasks, which I then finished in the next few days. Furthermore, I supported my colleagues in various projects.

What did you like most about your in­tern­ship? 

Every day I learned something new and valuable, which I will be able to apply later in my professional life. The working atmosphere was great, my colleagues were always friendly and helpful when I had questions.

What kind of ex­per­i­ences can you take with you from the in­tern­ship at AGRANA? 

I gained a very good and detailed insight into what big companies are doing in practice.

Would you recommend an in­tern­ship at AGRANA? Why? 

Absolutely. Here you can learn what you will be able to apply later on in practice. As already mentioned, the working atmosphere was very pleasant too.

What advice would you give future interns? 

Use the time well and always pay attention because you can learn and benefit a lot from your time at AGRANA.

Our success factor: You

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