Julian Ebner

Julian Ebner

In­tern­ship Con­trolling | AUSTRIA JUICE

Please introduce yourself: What is your name? In which de­part­ment and at which site are you working at the moment?

My name is Julian Ebner and I am currently working in the controlling department at AUSTRIA JUICE in Kröllendorf.

Which tasks will you be dealing with in the coming weeks?

In principle, I am supporting the local controlling team and preparing various reports based on SAP or Excel.

What have you par­tic­u­larly enjoyed about your in­tern­ship so far?

What I really appreciate about my internship is the very good working climate and the nice colleagues. It is also simply a great place to work.

Why did you decide on AUSTRIA JUICE as an employer?

I already worked as an intern at AUSTRIA JUICE last year and, since I really enjoyed it then, I wanted to do it again.

How is the working at­mo­sphere in your new team?

Very good. I feel very comfortable here.

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